DCAA-Compliant Accounting Software

Government organizations maintain strict rules and regulations in their business practices, and they require their contractors to follow the same guidelines — especially when it comes to accounting. To stay compliant, government contractors (GovCon) must meet the requirements and recommendations of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). That means you have to have a DCAA-approved accounting system. 

Here at BOOST LLC, we have the skills and know-how to help you remain DCAA-compliant. We offer a range of DCAA-compliant accounting software exclusively for GovCon businesses. 

DCAA-Compliant Accounting Systems

No two GovCon businesses are the same, and the accounting software you need will depend on the services you offer. BOOST has an expert team that can help you find the perfect DCAA-compliant accounting software to suit your business. Explore your options.


With Unanet, you can get ERP and CRM solutions based on your project’s unique specifications. The identifying mark of Unanet’s software is the unified approach of one database, one connected network of applications, and one look and feel. This accounting system is tailored to meet GovCon accounting needs and simplifies even the most complex DCAA regulations.

Deltek Costpoint

Deltek Costpoint seamlessly integrates DCAA compliance with financial, personnel and project management. You can take control of your business with industry-specific reports and visual dashboards that track the entire journey of each project. Deltek Costpoint leaves a clear audit trail, making it easier for you to adhere to DCAA regulations.


PROCAS specifically designed its accounting system with the ability to grow with your business. Every element and feature, such as time sheets, project cost accounting and expense reports, was created with DCAA compliance in mind. In addition to attaining DCAA compliance, you can meet cybersecurity standards with PROCAS as you prepare for CMMC 2.0.


JAMIS PRIME 8.0 provides your business with efficient and innovative account solutions that directly align with DCAA requirements. Security is of utmost importance when it comes to government contracting, and JAMIS PRIME 8.0 bolsters your cybersecurity, keeping your accounting data safe.


QuickBooks® Online simplifies all your accounting tasks, providing you with more time to focus on other areas of your business. By meticulously tracking your expenses, revenue and inventory, QuickBooks® Online streamlines GovCon accounting and supports DCAA compliance throughout your projects.

How BOOST LLC Can Help

BOOST is here to support small and large GovCon businesses with reliable government-compliant accounting software. We understand the world of DCAA compliance and thrive when it comes to imparting our knowledge to businesses that need it to grow. We were established solely for the benefit of the GovCon community.

Our skilled consultants are equipped with the experience to assess your business and help you find a software solution that propels it forward. When you partner with us, you’ll see unparalleled success in your GovCon projects as you grow your knowledge of government regulations and guidelines.

Contact BOOST for DCAA-Approved Accounting Systems

Want to learn more about our government-approved account systems? Reach out to us online, and one of our consultants will discuss the best account software solution for your business to remain DCAA-compliant.

Reach out today to find out how BOOST can assist you.

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QuickBooks, Deltek Cost Point, Unanet, Procas, Procas ERP are all registered trademarks of their respective parent company and not owned by BOOST LLC