Lisa Linden



Lisa’s Experience

A seasoned professional with the skill and knowledge to manage and organize an army, Lisa Linden has over 15 years of experience helping government contractors thrive through effective management of their back-office operations. She is currently COO of BOOST LLC where their prime mission is to support back-office functions for government contractors. Her prior experience as Project manager for Highlight Technologies and Circle Solutions goes to show her immense knowledge within business development efforts to help grow government contractors and multi-faceted executive assisting companies to bridge the operations gap. She is accredited by the University of Delaware (BS) and Marymount University (MBA).

Strategic Corporate Back Office Support for Government Contractors

BOOST was founded to support GovCons as they get to the next level. After reinventing the wheel many times and banging our heads against numerous walls, we have learned what works and what doesn’t. We love working with executives who want to see their organization grow and who value advice from those who have “been there, done that.” We want our small clients to outgrow us. We want our large clients to use us when they need us and then call us back for the next project. We want you to sell your business for the multiplier you want. We want you to be successful.

BOOST consultants are a team of seasoned professionals who provide efficient services to the government contracting (GovCon) community. Our consultants know how to quickly assess business problems, work with existing systems, outline a performance strategy and execute quality services. All BOOST consultants have years of experience working with government contractors, and are aware of the requirements, compliance and nuances of working in this industry.

By providing knowledgeable support in the areas of accounting,contracts, HR, recruiting and strategic pricing,BOOST provides a pathway for your growing GovCon to operate effectively, reducing your risks and increasing long-term gains. We believe that by helping your business save valuable capital resources, you can grow efficiently and focus on achieving your business goals faster.

Resources and Media

Blog: ICS | DIY or Do It Well

Podcast Episodes: