DCAA Audit Compliance, Part II

Updated 02/10/2023 (As promised, here’s the Part II to “DCAA Trends in 2020“) We’re preparing to make a bold statement that is practically blasphemy in our industry and especially with what BOOST does. Care less about DCAA audit compliance and more about financial acumen. There.  We said it.  Here’s what we mean and our rationale: […]

Be Very, Very Quiet… We’re hunting Unicorns…

Recruiting services for Govcons

The definition of a unicorn is a mythical beast that looks like a horse with a horn projecting from its forehead.  However, in this context, we’re talking about the ever-elusive purple unicorn; something that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain.  In the recruiting world, companies are always looking for the purple unicorn, […]

How to Price Labor for Your GovCon

how to price labor for govcons

If you’re bidding on any government contract these days, whether it’s a Firm Fixed Price or Cost Plus, there is almost always a requirement to demonstrate and justify how your labor rates were developed.  Many companies may end up bidding existing employee rates (that’s fine, but may not be the smartest approach), or using free […]

Audit Files, How Important Are They?

Well, the proposal was submitted, the “all-nighters” are done, the proposal team has celebrated either with a big happy hour or a 48-hour night/day of sleep, and all is well.  It seems that way at first until the pricing specialist wakes up in the middle of the night dreaming of errors and mistakes or compliance […]

Using Surge Support to Fill the Gaps and Save Money

Summer is busy for many different reasons in the GovCon community; proposal season, approaching fourth quarter, vacations, summer Fridays, and the list continues. Even though the rest of the world seems to be “summering” it’s go-time for GovCons and things can’t be allowed to slip. Your back office needs to stay on track. If you […]

Accounting Keeping You Up At Night?

It’s the middle of the night, and you are wide awake…from a nightmare about the state of your GovCon accounting system. It happens all the time. The accounting system struggle is real for government contractors.  Your accounting system is the backbone of your company.  If your accounting system is in pain, the effects are felt […]

Top 3 Pricing Mistakes

The govcon industry has its own sub-industry – the govcon proposal industry.  There are many companies, and thousands of professionals (if not more) dedicated to this profession of proposals and business development in the govcon sector.  It’s an intense career path, and it challenges professional sanity to quite an extent. This is not due to […]

NASA Fully Integrated Lifecycle Mission Support Service 2

We at BOOST LLC have reviewed the new DRFP for NASA FILMSS 2 and our pricing experts are providing the following insights on this solicitation. Continue reading for some challenges and pitfalls to avoid regarding this DRFP. The lack of incumbent task order history and incumbent staff pay/seniority on this $200+M NASA IDIQ unfairly tips […]