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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud BOOST contributed a whooping 187 entries.

Entries by BOOST

The Power of No

After what can only be described as a waffling phone call earlier this week with a potential client, it made me want to issue this PSA:Saying “no” to an opportunity, a service, a contract, a teammate, or even a prospective employee, is one of the best gifts you can give. When you concretely say “no,” […]

5 Recruiting Tips for Government Contractors

Recruiting for Government Contractors - BOOST LLC

There are no two ways about it – recruiting new employees is very hard right now. For government contractors, it’s maybe even twice as hard as that.  Some of the reasons for this include a shift in employee expectations, some of which many government contractors simply aren’t going to be able to accommodate. For instance, […]

Doing Things Differently

Conferences for GovCons - BOOST LLC

Spring is here and we are starting to see more and more events as we all crawl out from the past two years.  Conferences and networking events are back, proposal season is just around the corner, and there is a new federal budget proposed to consider.  There is continued uncertainty around Europe and war in […]

New Win? New Recruiting Strategy!

New Win? New Recruiting Strategy! - BOOST LLC

If you have recently won new work and still need to fill positions, you are going to need a stellar recruiting team. We at BOOST care deeply about the most important aspects of winning new work. Prior to an award announcement, you probably did some key personnel searches, maybe even approved a few contingent offers, or bid your current staff on the proposal, but now that you’re about to WIN it, are those people available, willing, and able to show up on day 1 of your contract? If not, then you have a long road ahead of you. Here are a couple of new recruiting strategy suggestions to aid in mitigating that stress

Are Your Accounting Systems Ready For Your Next Contract?

After all the planning, proposal set-ups, consultations, and perhaps a few sleepless nights, you have finally been awarded a government contract! Congratulations! The time has come to celebrate all the hard work put into the proposal process and finally RELAX (yeah right) for a few hours, tops. Winning the government contract is just the first step in this […]

Contract Awards | Will You Survive?

The new Fiscal year has started, but contract awards are still coming in. Do you know what it will take to fully survive the incoming work? It’s a fast-paced time of year and there are key actions you can take to be proactive that will allow you to stay ahead of the chaos and the requirements of contract awards. Regardless of the time of year, contract award preparation and management are essential survival steps to successful execution and transition

Outsourcing Back Office Services: A Smart Move For Growing GovCons

Whether you work solo or in a large GovCon operation, competition remains constant and intense. GovCons continually seek an elusive competitive edge, perhaps in the form of larger sales teams, new lead generation systems, or broader business networking. However, many GovCons overlook the option of improving their own business structures, especially those related to the […]

Lessons Learned | The CIO-SP4 Saga

Mastering CIO-SP4: Key Lessons and Strategies for Success

We can confidently say that even if you’ve been living under a rock in the govcon industry this past few months, you have still probably heard the shouts regarding CIO-SP4 delays, amendments, and drama. Short of rolling our eyes one more time at the craziness of it all, what lessons can we take and learn […]