Advice Archives

End of a Year, Start of a Decade*

best advice for small business owners in GovCon

Updated 01/31/2023 We are looking dead straight into 2020, right around the corner.  How did that happen?  The expression “the days are long, but the years are short” rings particularly true to me this year.  As we close out the year and the decade, it’s a good time for reflection on where things stand as […]

Is Running a VAR Keeping You Up at Night?

Is Running a VAR Keeping You Up at Night?

Updated 01/31/2023 Two parts of running a successful business in GovCon are knowledge and compliance. You need to know your requirements and how to follow those directives. Add to that the complexities of running a VAR/reseller and we’d bet that there are several things keeping you up at night – in addition to booking sales […]

DCAA Compliance for Small Businesses

As a small govcon have you ever thought…do I really need to be DCAA compliant with a small business? What if I’m “just a subcontractor” or “too small that DCAA will never notice me”? We hear the following from companies more often than they’d like to admit: It’s so complicated to get DCAA compliant (insert […]

Why Hire MilSpouses?

MilSpouses | Value for Business

As the local unemployment numbers continue to be a record low rates and we all talk about the war for talent, unicorn candidates and the ridiculous salary expectations for some of the workforce, there is a pool of talent that is often overlooked…the Military Spouse (also known as: MilSpouse). MilSpouse employment can be a wonderful […]

Post-Proposal | After Action Review

After action reviews for GovCons

Does your company know what happened? The proposal was finally submitted, the team has finally gotten a night’s rest, (some having nightmares of missed compliance items and some cherishing the eventual win party)!  Either way, a lot of mental focus is disbanded after a successful proposal submission.  One of the things that many companies benefit […]

Bidding SCA Contracts – Is It Worth It?

As we ebb and flow through the proposal season, there are numerous types of RFPs that will drop which you might consider bidding on.  Some might even have the Service Contract Act (SCA) clause 52.222-41 buried in the document.  If you decide an RFP with the SCA clause is worth the bid, there are some […]

Corporate Housekeeping

As we turn our attention to back to school sales, last summer vacays, finishing up our trashy beach novels and start shifting towards the fall, it’s a good time to take a minute and do some general housekeeping. Face it – it will be the holidays before you know it! GovCons, you are in the lull […]

Dancing with Disaster

I recently heard of the closing of a friend’s gastro brewpub, and it stirred more in me than I’d like to admit.  As an entrepreneur, business owner, and someone with insight into various client’s businesses- this cuts deep.  The idea that even with a great idea, great product, and great clientele that you can still […]

Accidental GovCon CEO

Editors Note: This page was updated 12/27/2022. What’s an accidental GovCon CEO?  Are you one? You may or may not know the type.  They’ve spun out of government or a large integrator and had a good consulting gig as a 1099.  They are well connected with their customer (they used to be colleagues) and they […]

Easy Tips for Competitive Data Gathering

As small business contractors, we know how tough it is to get daily operations up and running; let alone set up a proposal shop and to go after business.  Most often, it’s a one-person shop, hunting and gathering crumbs in the govcon jungle. This can obviously be very overwhelming and wasteful as time passes, but […]