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67 search results for: hiring


The Key Role of Interview Training for Hiring Managers

The government contracting (GovCon) industry relies on highly skilled professionals to successfully deliver projects and services to government agencies. In this context, the importance of hiring the right talent cannot be overstated, making comprehensive training for GovCon hiring managers invaluable. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of training GovCon hiring managers and […]


Can AI-Based Hiring Algorithms Get You Into Trouble With the EEOC?

Yes, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is prioritizing enforcement against algorithmic and other tech-related employment discrimination. “Artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision-making tools have great potential to improve our lives, including in the area of employment,” says EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows in 2021. “At the same time, the EEOC is keenly aware that […]


Hiring Green Graduates

May is a time of year where we shed off the drab winter blues and look forward to the warmth of springtime.  May is also a time for college graduation and students hoping to start a career in their primary field of study.  It is estimated by The National Center for Education Statistics that roughly […]


GovCon Hiring from the Gut

“Have faith in your intuition and listen to your gut feeling.” Ann Cotton

Ask any Government Contractor CEO, and 90%+ will tell you that their biggest hurdle is people. Hiring the right team, making sure they play well together in the sandbox, work together to meet the mission, and generally push the company forward. The dynamics of a strong, diverse team are invaluable in the progression of your company. So how do you hire the right person? Do you rely on proven experience, or do you go with your gut?


Executive Coaching Impacts on Businesses Scaling Quickly

You’re a senior leader of a burgeoning business that is growing faster than the team is able to keep up with. You’re making decisions quickly, but you’re afraid you might be missing something. You’re not alone. One 2023 global study discovered that 74% of leaders are making 10-fold the number of decisions than they did […]


Understanding the Regulatory Layer Cake

Compliance is a Science: Make sure you understand the regulatory layer cake recipe by keeping up with rule changes fresh out of the federal oven: DOL: Proposal to Restore, Extend Overtime Protections for 3.6 Million Low-Paid Salaried Workers: The proposal would restore and extend overtime protections to low-paid salaried workers, give workers who are not […]


February Tips for GovCon & New DOL Rule

For The Love of GovCon: It’s the season of love, or so we’ve been programmed to believe by the corporate folks over at Hallmark. But we embrace the season…because having Feb be only about Groundhog Day just isn’t doing it for us. As we reflect on love, the question is what do we love about […]