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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud BOOST contributed a whooping 172 entries.

Entries by BOOST

GovCon Success

Success in the Government Contracting Industry Editor’s Note: This Article Has Been Updated November 2, 2022 What defines success in government contracting? Success for everyone is different.  GovCons are no exception.  Some may say it’s a lifestyle company; others may point to the infamous sale at $100M.  Further, others say it’s buying the island after […]

Forced Promotion

Forced Management Promotions - BOOST LLC

Did you fall into management? Were you rewarded for your technical skills with the extra bonus of now having direct reports? This cycle happens time and time again where folks excel at their trade. Generally, very few people are asked if they want the additional responsibility of a leadership role or guiding a team. Even fewer are given any training on how to be a good manager. Instead, they are given timesheet approval responsibilities, a list of when performance reviews are due and told to make the team work. There’s no Cliff Notes or Management 101 class for how it’s done and most learn via on-the-job experience. A trial by fire, if you will.

Tech Savvy

As busy professionals, we are constantly looking to squeeze a few extra minutes out of the day, increase our productivity, and just generally get more done. Time is our most valuable resource and no matter how wealthy you are; you can’t create or buy more of it. Yet we are not without options. What you can […]

GovCon Hiring from the Gut

GovCon Hiring from the Gut - BOOST LLC

“Have faith in your intuition and listen to your gut feeling.” Ann Cotton

Ask any Government Contractor CEO, and 90%+ will tell you that their biggest hurdle is people. Hiring the right team, making sure they play well together in the sandbox, work together to meet the mission, and generally push the company forward. The dynamics of a strong, diverse team are invaluable in the progression of your company. So how do you hire the right person? Do you rely on proven experience, or do you go with your gut?

GovCon Voices: A Culture of Compliance

As seen on SmallGovCon.com When we talk about the federal contracting industry, one of the first things that comes to mind is compliance. We are an overly regulated industry with a ton of laws to abide by, FAR changes to keep up with, legislation of which we need to stay on top. None of it is particularly […]


“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.” -Jamais Cascio Change is inevitable, and the GovCon industry is no exception. We’re all scrambling to see what changes will come with the new administration, where funding will go, what the impact on our government […]


“When you say yes to something you don’t want to do, here is the result: you hate what you are doing, you resent the person who asked you, and you hurt yourself.” – James Altucher, The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness There’s a lot of power behind the word […]


Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest. -Mark Twain In today’s environment of competition, LPTA, race to the bottom (insert any other overused term we throw around in the GovCon world), we all talk about “greening the staff” as a way to cut our costs on proposals. But who really […]


In this world, we all need close friends. Our tribe, our peeps (as I affectionately call them). People you know you can count on to help support your growth. This includes your teammates. As a small business in government contracting, you cannot feasibly do everything. Your list of core capabilities should not be 2 pages single spaced. Heck, it shouldn’t even […]


New year, new you?  Yup, been there, done that.  How many GovCon business owners start with the best of intentions for the new year?  Any of these sound familiar? This is the year I’m going to break $XM in revenue! This is the year we’re going to follow a formal BD process.  No more bluebird […]