Why Coaching?

A million years ago (i.e. pre-pandemic), folks told me that my direct and candid advice was much like a coach.  Curious about this, I enrolled in George Mason’s Coaching for Executive Leadership program.  I put in the work and eventually became certified by ICF (the International Coach Federation).  It was there that I learned the […]

BOOST Leadership Coaching Webinar

BOOST’s latest webinar was hosted by Meg O’Hara, Director of Engagement at govmates. It was all about leadership coaching’s impact on retention and profitability for government contractors. Wendy Ramos and Carolyn McKinney, both highly experienced and certified coaches from BOOST LLC, shared their insights and strategies on how “leadership coaching” can drive success in GovCon […]

Use Coaching to Unleash Leadership Potential

You just promoted one of your top employees to a leadership role and you want to be sure they succeed. Leaders must possess the unique ability to create vision and drive results while supporting the company’s greatest asset: its people. If you don’t listen and cultivate, your assets will leave.  Now in a post pandemic environment this is more important than ever. So, what tools and resources do you provide your newly promoted leader?