About Wendy Rufo

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Wendy Rufo contributed a whooping 5 entries.

Entries by Wendy Rufo

Use Coaching to Unleash Leadership Potential

You just promoted one of your top employees to a leadership role and you want to be sure they succeed. Leaders must possess the unique ability to create vision and drive results while supporting the company’s greatest asset: its people. If you don’t listen and cultivate, your assets will leave.  Now in a post pandemic environment this is more important than ever. So, what tools and resources do you provide your newly promoted leader?

The Importance of Annual Updates for Your GovCon Employee Handbook

Why You Should Update Your GovCon Employee Handbook Annually

In the dynamic landscape of Government Contracting (GovCon), change is the only constant. As a responsible and forward-thinking employer, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of updating your employee handbook policies and benefits on an annual basis. This proactive approach allows you to adapt to evolving legal requirements, cater to the needs of your GovCon workforce, and foster a positive and inclusive work environment. Let’s explore why this is a powerful strategy for success.

The Importance of Succession Planning for GovCons

Succession Planning for GovCon: Ensuring Workforce Continuity

Is your GovCon prepared for a disruption within your workforce? Are you taking steps to prepare for the future of your organization? Internal and external factors can have a significant impact on your current and future workforce. Unfortunately, only 1 in 4 companies have a comprehensive succession plan in place. Working without a succession plan can lead to disruption, conflict, uncertainty and jeopardize the competitiveness of your organization.

Investing in Executive Coaching for Leadership Development

Maximize Leadership Potential: Invest in Executive Coaching

As you consider your GovCon organization’s high potential employee pipeline for leadership, it’s important to consider the challenges that these leaders will face. An analysis conducted by Harvard Business Review analysis highlights five key challenges that have remained constant over the last 20 years:

Leading Teams
Leading Change
Leadership Style
Leading at Scale
Driving Business Results

In the aftermath of the pandemic, these challenges have become even more pronounced,  and the gaps in skills and capabilities have only grown wider. To address these difficulties and support the growth of your high potential individuals as leaders, it is vital that GovCon companies invest in executive coaching as a development strategy. 

Ensuring Multijurisdictional Compliance for GovCons

Ensuring Multijurisdictional Compliance for GovCons in a Remote Work Era

One of the biggest benefits of a remote workforce is tapping into talent nationwide that companies would otherwise not be able to reach. Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, many government contractors (GovCons) adjusted to this new reality of a remote workforce.  Remote work can provide flexibility and cost savings, but it also poses unique challenges for GovCon accounting. 

Operating in a multijurisdictional environment requires compliance with multiple layers of regulation, including varying laws and regulations at the federal, state, and local levels. To manage compliance effectively in this new reality, GovCons need a practical and tactical approach that considers these unique challenges. So how do you get started?