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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud BOOST contributed a whooping 187 entries.

Entries by BOOST

Eyes Forward, Eyes Back – Mid-Year Planning for GovCons

July. How is that even possible??? We slugged through half of the year, most folks are considering a return to the office in some manner, everyone is back to working full time, and we haven’t seen a sourdough bread post in a really long time.

As we take stock of the first half of the year and start to turn toward mid-year planning, here are some key things to consider

Institute Replay: Ask Me Anything with Army Applications Laboratory

On June 9th, govmates hosted a virtual institute with the Army Applications Laboratory to discuss opportunities, solutions, and the art of the possible. Co-founder Katie Bilek was joined by Claire Hansen and Brance Hudzietz of the AAL Team for this virtual chat. If you want to follow along with one of the most informational conversations […]

GovCon Untethered Finale

That’s a wrap! Season 1 of the BOOST Podcast for government contractors, GovCon Untethered has come to a close. Not to worry, Season 2 will kick off the first week in August with new guests, new episodes, and new ways to push the business forward. We’d like to send a big THANK YOU to the […]

Staffing Agency or Boutique Recruiting?

Staffing Agency or Boutique Recruiting? - BOOST LLC

When it comes to building your team’s bench or hiring against a new contract or significant growth, you DO have options. What those options entail are typically like comparing apples and oranges – they’re both fruit, but you will NOT get the same result once you take a bite.

Incurred Cost Submission FAQ for the DIY Padawans

Once upon a webinar, in a galaxy as far away as a click of your mouse, three mighty Jedis took the challenge on May 4th to further explain and help young padawans discover the true force of an incurred cost submission (ICS). Our Brave Jedis/Panelists included moderation by Meg Kerns, and a discussion from Boost’s Director of Accounting & CFO Service Susana I. Vellelonga and BOOST’s Senior Accounting Consultant Khaldun Taib.

Incurred Cost Submissions: DIY or Do It Well?

Incurred Cost Submission: DIY or Do It Well? - BOOST

While Tax Season may be the bell of the ball for the average American, in the GovCon space the real sweetheart is the Incurred Cost Submission. The question on our client’s minds is: Can you DIY the ICS with some turbo-tax-type setup, or does it need to be carefully placed into the hands of a professional?

To Bid or Not to Bid, Polaris Edition

While this may feel like yet another blog on Polaris proposal help, we can guarantee it’s one that will showcase information you haven’t seen before. Recently the govmates team (premier matchmaking for government contracting) hosted an institute to discuss the Next Generation GWAC. Panelists included moderation by Stephanie Alexander, and discussion from Global Services’ Proposal Manager Martin Hicks and BOOST LLC’s pricing genie, Jeff Halsted.

Year One

One freaking year.  We are at one year into this crazy pandemic.  The good news is that vaccines are on the way.  The bad news is that it’s still going to take a while to recover.  Some of us have faired okay, others have thrived, while others are drowning.  We’ve had multiple flavors of pandemic […]

Where’s Your Cape?

Master the Art of Capabilities Statements for GovCon Success

Now, we’re not talking about your superhero cape. (But what you wear to work during a work-from-home-situation is none of our business.) We’re talking about your Capabilities Statement (better known as your cap statement) for government contractors. We bet that you need at least two hands, or more, to count the number of times you’ve been asked “what does your company do?” We would hedge a similar bet that you’ve been asked for a statement outlining your capabilities nearly the same number of times.
If you’re new to the GovCon space and you don’t yet have a capabilities statement, let us define that for you.