Want the latest and greatest musing on topics germane to the GovCon space? Take a look at our past blogs, join our distro list and/or let us know if you have an opinion!
Want the latest and greatest musing on topics germane to the GovCon space? Take a look at our past blogs, join our distro list and/or let us know if you have an opinion!
Unratified Purchase Errors. In business-speak we call them procedural missteps, broken processes, or deviations from procedures. Colloquially, we use phrases like “cart before the horse” or “cut across the infield” and “blew it this time”. DCMA calls them “Unauthorized Commitments”.
If you are a GovCon subject to the DFARS Purchasing System rules, you most likely have Unauthorized Commitments from time to time. FAR 1.602-3 defines an Unauthorized Commitment as an agreement that is not binding solely because the representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that agreement. The most common example is a project manager directing a seller to get to work before authorization from the purchasing department. Sound familiar?
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the government contracting (GovCon) industry bring forth significant changes and challenges for organizations. As the integration process begins after the sale closes, Human Resources (HR) assumes a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the success of the merger or acquisition. In our previous blog, we discussed the importance of HR due diligence prior to the sale. Any HR due diligence items that were not completed prior to a merger or acquisition due to timing or lack of cooperation during the process should be conducted as soon as possible. Now, let’s explore additional key GovCon HR activities that are vital during the transition phase.
When it comes to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the government contracting (GovCon) industry, there are complex processes involved in integrating multiple organizations. While financial aspects and strategic synergies often receive the most attention, it is crucial not to underestimate the vital role played by Human Resources (HR). HR professionals are instrumental in ensuring a smooth and successful merger or acquisition by effectively managing various people-related challenges and facilitating a seamless transition for employees.
Mid-Year Assessment: Boosting Your Talent Acquisition Team’s Performance Well, it’s about that time again, folks! We are rounding the corner and making our way into the second half of the year (crazy how six months can fly by!), which means NOW is a crucial time to assess your progress towards your 2023 goals for govcon […]
You just promoted one of your top employees to a leadership role and you want to be sure they succeed. Leaders must possess the unique ability to create vision and drive results while supporting the company’s greatest asset: its people. If you don’t listen and cultivate, your assets will leave. Now in a post pandemic environment this is more important than ever. So, what tools and resources do you provide your newly promoted leader?
GovCon or no, we have all been there. We have made the bad deal. We signed the paper without really reading and understanding it. Whether we committed to the 3-year deal with the home alarm company with shoddy equipment and worse customer service or signed the exclusive teaming agreement thinking, “This is the ONE!”, only to end up with a one-sided subcontract with a fraction of the work share that we were promised, we have all experienced the rush of wind leaving our sails the moment we realize that we have been had. That rush is the sound of your company’s growth plan moving backwards.
Do you have 10 minutes or less to stay on top of the ever-changing laws and regulations around labor and employment? Check out PilieroMazza‘s new podcast “Clocking in with PilieroMazza: Labor and Employment News for Government Contractors.” This podcast is designed for those who want to stay updated on the ever-changing laws and regulations around […]
Did you know that most Teaming Agreements self-terminate when the prime and subcontractor agree on the subcontract terms? It is true! A typical termination clause in a Teaming Agreement contains a list of events that signal the end of the Teaming Agreement the moment any of those things occur. For the winning prime and its teammates, the most common termination event is mutual agreement on the subcontract.
Any company that has been a teammate under a FAR Part 9 Teaming Agreement is familiar with negotiating workshare that will be subcontracted to them if the team wins an award. Aren’t those days when we learn we have won a contract/subcontract the best? But later, at some point during the execution of the prime contract, a quick calculation of your cumulative task order values divided by the published prime contract funded values does not measure up to the workshare percentage promised in the Teaming Agreement. So, what gives?
“Civilian agency contractors should start preparing now for an enhanced cybersecurity proposed rule to prevent gaps or issues when the regulation goes into effect—not to mention it just being good business to have robust cybersecurity protection.” –PilieroMazza PLLC CMMC is here to stay and civilian peeps, you will soon understand our DOD brethren’s pain. It’s […]
Outsourcing allows for maximum amount of flexibility for companies with the changes of the new administration. Our outsourced solutions offer flexible, on-demand support that scales with your business needs—helping you keep your fixed costs low while accessing GovCon expertise without the burden of hiring W-2 employees. Contact us to learn more about how our outsourced solution can work for you.